Accessory Apartment Information

What is an Accessory Apartment?

An accessory apartment is a separate living unit located on a residential lot with an existing single-family dwelling.  An accessory apartment includes one or more rooms used to provide living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation, located within a single-family dwelling (interior apartment) or in a detached structure on the same property (exterior apartment). Accessory apartments are subordinate in size to the primary dwelling and may be used as accessory homestays, rental units, family-caregiver suites, private recreation spaces or guest houses/rooms.

How do I know whether I can develop an Accessory Apartment?

Review the Accessory Apartment sections, Article 25.3.1 and Article 25.3.2 of the Round Hill Zoning Ordinance, and check below for Accessory Apartment Standards. You can also call the Town Office to speak with the Staff regarding specific regulations that may apply to your project, as well as other options that are available to you to help you achieve your goal.            

Is there a fee?

Fees may vary depending on your project. Check the current Fee Schedule for additional information.

Zoning Application Fee:

Accessory Structures < 200 square feet - $25.00

Accessory Structures > 200 square feet - $100.00

Water/Sewer Fees: (if applicable)

               Water Extension - $250 (contractor completes the work)

               Sewer Extension - $500 (contractor completes the work)

Can I legalize an existing apartment?

Yes! The Town will work with property owners to legalize existing accessory apartments. Anyone with an existing apartment is encouraged to reach out to the Town Office to determine the best course of action. All accessory apartments must comply with all ordinances and safety codes.

How do I report an illegal apartment?

If you would like to anonymously report an illegal apartment, you can do so by calling the Town Office at 540-338-7878 or by submitting a Zoning Complaint Form to the Zoning Administrator at PO Box 36, Round Hill VA, 20142. 

Why is “intended use” important?

Identifying the intended use of an accessory apartment will help the Town determine additional permits and fees required for you to legally operate your apartment.

Permitted uses for an Accessory Apartment are:

  • accessory homestay (short term rental, less than 30 days, i.e. Airbnb)
  • rental unit (long-term rental, more than 30 days)
  • family-caregiver suite
  • private recreation space
  • guest house or guest room

What is the application process?

Before you Apply

  • Read the Accessory Apartment Ordinance (Article 25.3.1 and Article 25.3.2 of the Round Hill Zoning Ordinance) to learn what you’ll need to ensure a successful project.
  • Call the Town Office with any questions specific to your project prior to submittal

Step 1: Application Packet

  • The following documents must be included in your Accessory Apartment application packet (as applicable). Payments can be made to The Town of Round Hill and all applications can be submitted via mail to PO Box 36, Round Hill, VA 20142 or dropped off at the Town Office at 23 Main St., Round Hill.

Step 2: Review Process

  • Staff will review your packet for completeness and the Zoning Administrator will make a final determination of your application.
    • Please allow up to two weeks for the review process
  • Staff will issue a determination letter which will allow you to apply for a county building permit

Step 3: Building

Step 4: Certificate of Occupancy

  • After all work is completed and final inspections have occurred, you must file for a Certificate of Occupancy through the Town. A County Occupancy Permit may also be necessary if County building permits were required. 

Step 5: Business License (if necessary)

  • Depending on your intended use, you may need to apply for a Town Business License to legally operate your accessory apartment. Please contact the Town Office at 540-338-7878 for additional information.

What is the renewal process?

Accessory apartments applications must be renewed each year. On or around July 1 you will receive a letter from the Town notifying you of a deadline for renewal. A renewal application will be included with the letter. Fill out the application accordingly and return to the Town Office before the deadline. 

Accessory Apartment Standards*:

  • Only one accessory apartment (interior or exterior) is allowed per property
  • The property owner must occupy either the principle dwelling unit or the accessory apartment as their primary residence
  • Not more than three (3) persons can live in an accessory apartment
  • Interior apartments must be contained completely within the primary residence and must maintain the character of a Single-Family Home
  • Exterior apartments (located in a detached structure on the same property as a SFH) shall utilize complimentary design elements and shall be secondary to the primary residence both in size and scale

*Additional standards apply, please see RHZO §25.3.1 and §25.3.2 for a complete outline of guidelines and requirements*


Round Hill Zoning Ordinance

Accessory Apartment Application

Zoning/Land Development Application

Residential Building Public Water & Sewer Application

Zoning Fees

Loudoun County Building & Development Office

Round Hill Business License Application