Sleeter Lake Park

17749 Lakefield Road, Round Hill VA

When is Sleeter Lake Park open?

The park is open March 1st through the last Sunday in November each year. It opens each day at 7 am closing times vary throughout the season. Closing times are posted on the Sleeter Lake Park page of the Town's website, at the park and on the sign at the bottom of Lake Field Rd. If you are locked in the park you will need to call the Police Non-Emergency line at (703) 777-1021. 

Loudoun County Parks & Recreation closes the gate at the same time as the closure of Franklin Park.

Please note – if the internal road (past the gate) into the park is not safe due to inclement weather or an emergency, the park will be closed.

What are the rules for the park and the rules for lake access?

The complete set of rules for the park are found HERE

The complete set of rules for boating and lake access are found HERE

When did the town of Round Hill start to plan for Sleeter Lake Park?

The rezoning of the Villages of Round Hill (ZMAP-1989-004) was approved in 1991. The land to create Sleeter Lake Park and the access to Sleeter Lake was a proffer of this rezoning. The parkland was officially dedicated to the Town in 2000. The Town had several preliminary plans drawn up over the years – one version even included a campground. The Town took a more active approach to developing the park in 2012 (with no campground of course). The Town received capital improvement funding from the County for the park in 2015 and 2016 to pair up with funds that the Town had set aside over the previous decade. The Town received site plan approval for the park in February 2017. Construction for Phase 1 of Sleeter Lake Park began in September 2017 and was completed in November 2017. Phase 2 of Sleeter Lake Park started in November 2017 and will be complete by July 1, 2018. 

What is involved in Phase 2 of Sleeter Lake Park? 

The Town is now in Phase 2 of Sleeter Lake Park which includes adding the park furnishings (storage, benches, picnic tables and signage). The exciting part of Phase 2 includes partnering with local environmental stewardship organizations to create an outdoor classroom at the park. Features will include a natural meadow, a monarch way-station and a pollinator garden. We look forward to using Sleeter Lake Park to educate visitors about the history of Round Hill and the science behind the lake. We want to inspire children to appreciate nature and to teach them more about the wildlife in their backyards.

How can I get involved in helping to build Sleeter Lake Park? 

We will host a Volunteer Day each Spring where local organizations, families, scout troops, and anyone who doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty can come out to plant flowers and native plants throughout the park. We are also looking for volunteer groups or organizations who want to adopt projects at the park (signage, historic preservation, wildlife habitats, etc.) We are working on a commemorative plaque program for the benches, trees and historic features. 

What types of boats can be launched from Sleeter Lake Park? 

You will be allowed to launch your canoe, kayak or small boat with a trolling motor. Gasoline power boats will not be permitted. You can fish from the shoreline as well. There will not be a concrete boat ramp, so you will need to push your boats off the shore. 

Will there be restrooms at Sleeter Lake Park? 

In the short term, there will be temporary restrooms. Planning for Phase 3 of Sleeter Lake Park will begin next fall and will include the addition of features such as permanent restrooms and a small pavilion.