Airmont Water Tank

Location of Airmont Water Tank
Location of Airmont Water Tank

This program consists of construction of a new elevated water tank in the southern portion of the Town’s main water system zone. The Town has secured the needed zoning from the County to construct this tank and the approval includes a Special Exception and Commission Permit. The location of this project is on a one-acre parcel located in the Upper Lakes Subdivision. The site will be accessed from Yatton Road. The tank will be 500,000 gallons in size and connected by a 12” water line to the existing Town water system located on Ridgewood Place.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Need for the tank:  System reliability and redundancy, increased available fire flows and system pressures during high demand periods, improved system operation and flexibility, and to allow necessary maintenance activities on the existing Evening Star Tank.
  2.  Current demands vs. future demands:  The primary purpose of the tank is to address needs for the current system for the reasons noted above.
  3. Why was this site selected?  In short – a combination of location, topography, and availability.  In order to achieve the functional needs as noted above, the new tank must be located at the same hydraulic grade as the existing Evening Star Tank, therefore relatively higher ground elevation is important.  The location must be in fair proximity to the existing distribution piping system, and the southern area of the system was targeted to address specific reliability concerns and because this area has a greater need in terms of available fire flows.
  4. Other strategic planning points to consider:
  • The tank was part of the original planning process for Round Hill Utility System. The site was chosen because of the elevation and compatibility with our existing utility system.
  • The tank project is part of the 2017 Town Comprehensive Plan, FY2018-2023 Town CIP and FY2019 Town Budget
  • This will be our second major storage tank and is critically needed to provide both storage and, more importantly, gravity pressure to the south side of our system.
  • The tank is critical for redundancy. The Town of Round Hill is one of a few communities in this region with only one major tank. If we were to lose service or operations of our existing tank, it would have a major impact on our system.
  • The proposed tank will be set at the same elevation as the Town’s existing tank for equalization reasons. They will maintain the same levels by transferring back and forth.
  • The current location was selected for topography, developer dedication of the lot and availability to existing lines in the Bluffs.
  • Moving the tank to another location would be extremely costly due to land acquisition, the additional cost to build a higher tower and easements/construction needed to access our existing water lines.